We are excited that you have found our website!
Centralkirken is part of The United Methodist Church.
Every Sunday at 11:00 we have a worship service in Centralkirken. Services are in Norwegian and we sometimes have an English speaking interpreter available. Ask for it!
People of all ages come to our worship services and we try to accomodate the entire church family in the service.
We are both liturgic and charismatic in how we express ourselves, and we try to give children and their families a central place throughout the congregation's Sunday school.
We have coffee and cakes after each service, which provides a good opportunity to get to know others.
The worship service begins at 11:00 (except 12:00 on Christmas Day) and is usually about 1:45 hours long. We also have several bible study groups meeting in the homes of our people. If you would like to participate - please let the pastor know.
Our address is: Vetrlidsalmenningen 8, 5003 Bergen
Telephone: 55 31 65 80 (press 1 for pastor)
Email: post@centralkirken.no
The office is staffed by appointment.
May the Lord be with you!